What to Expect
We are a growing body of Christ that is committed to knowing, loving and serving God and others in unity - and we welcome you to join us – just as you are! We recognize that we are all here by grace and believe that spiritual growth takes place best within a community of love centered on Christ. Together, we strive to be, more and more, the people God is calling us to be.
Our pastor, Rev. Wendy van Vliet, preaches directly from the Bible, speaking clearly to both Christians and non-Christians. We strive to connect spiritual teaching to everyday, practical experiences.
Our Blended worship features a praise band playing contemporary worship songs as well as some traditional hymns.
Our Traditional worship features a choir, organ and songs from the hymnal.
Between services and prior to Sunday School classes, we have a time of fellowship. Coffee, donuts, and healthy snacks are always provided.
What do I wear?
You will notice people dressed in what is comfortable for them, from suits and dresses to jeans with sneakers. Come as you are.
Where do I go?
We have two very different and distinct worship spaces. Our 9 AM Blended Worship Service is held in the Fellowship Hall, through the double door side entrance.
Our 11 AM Traditional Service is held in the Sanctuary, through the main front entrance of the church. There is an elevator to access this worship space, our ushers would be happy to assist you when you arrive.
During the summer, the Blended Worship Service meets outside in the Green Cathedral.
What about my kids?
9 AM Service: We have Sunday School during our blended service for ages 2 years - 5th grade. Nursery care for babies and toddlers is also available. All children enter worship with us until the children's sermon part of the service. Afterward, children will be dismissed to go to the nursery or Sunday school.
11 AM Service: We have nursery care for children of all ages during the 11 AM service.
*All of our nursery workers and teachers have gone through a Safe Sanctuary background check
Worship: 9 AM Blended | 11 AM Traditional
Location: 819 W. Central Ave, Davidsonville, MD 21035
Pastor: Rev. Wendy vanVliet
Youth Director: Jackie Weavill
Kids: Nursery care during all services
Sunday School (3yrs-5th grade) During 9 AM Service
*children are dismissed prior to the sermon
Students: Youth Sunday School 10:15 AM
Sunday Night Youth Group 5:30 - 7 PM
Adults: Sunday School classes at 10:15 AM